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[OP] 127 views 0 replies Posted by Unknown 9 years ago Mar 29, 2:49 am
I have a few questions about how are shield models in game.

To work out the area covered by shields We'd need to know shape are they are? Are they modeled as a flat plane (ie starwars angle the deflector shields!) or as a spherical (or hemispherical) or other shape?

What are their dimensions and how far away from the ship are they projected?

Are attacks applied to the shields treated as trying to penetrate a point or is the area of the attack taken into an account? (Not a good point as they don't exist as such in game) but a laser fired from close by has a more concentrated energy at a single point but one fired from a long way off has the same amount of energy but is distributed over a larger area. The shield still has to dissipate the same amount of energy. What are the dynamics of shield when dealing with these kinds of attacks?

Do sources of radiation like from the sun interact with shields?
